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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - wave


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка wave на русский


1) волна || совершать волнообразное движение; участвовать в волновом процессе || волновой

2) графическое представление волнового процесса

waves in plasmaacoustic waveacoustic-gravity waveacoustic surface waveadvancing waveAlfven wavealpha waveamplitude-modulated waveantiferromagnetic spin wavearriving waveatmospheric waveatmospheric radio waveback wavebackground wavebackscattered wavebackward wavebackward-scattered wavebackward-traveling wavebarometric wavebeam-excited wavebeam-plasma waveBernstein wavebeta waveblast waveBloch wavebound wavesboundary wavebrain wavebroadcast wavebulk wavebulk acoustic wavecapillary wavecarrier wavecentimeter wavescharge-density wavecircular electric wavecircularly polarized wavecircular magnetic waveclockwise-polarized wavecnoidal wavecoherent interrupted wavecollective wavescollisionless drift wavecollisionless shock wavecomplex wavecompression wavecompression-dilatational wavecompressional-dilatational wavecompression plane wavecompressional plane waveconcentration wavecondensation wavecondensation-rarefaction waveconfined waveconstant waveconstant-amplitude wavecontinuous wavecontrol waveconvergent wavecopolar wavecosine wavecosmic radio wavescounterclockwise polarized wavecounterrotating circularly polarized wavescoupled wavescp wavecritical wavecrystallization wavecurrent wavecurrent-density wavecyclotron wavecyclotron-sound wavecylindrical waveDamon-Eshbach wavedamped wavede Broglie waveDebye wavedecamegametric wavesdecametric wavesdecaying wavedecimetric wavesdegenerate wavesdelta wavedensity wavedepolarized wavedepression wavedetonation wavediffracted wavedilatational wavedipolar spin wavedirect wavedistorted wavedisturbed wavedisturbing wavedivergent wavedominant wavedoppleron wavedouble-sideband suppressed-carrier wavedowncoming wavedrift waveDSB/SC waveducted waveE-waveearth-reflected waveedge waveelastic waveelectric waveelectromagnetic waveelectron-density waveelectron-sound waveelectrostatic waveelectrostatic solitary waveelliptically polarized waveEM waveemitted waveEmn-waveentropy waveevanescent waveexchange spin waveexchange-dominated spin waveexchangeless spin waveexcited waveexciting waveextraneous waveextraordinary waveextremely low-frequency wavesfar-infrared wavefast wavefast magnetosonic wavefast magnetosound waveFermi-Pasta-Ulam waveferromagnetic spin wavefield waveflexural waveforward waveforward-scattered waveforward-traveling wavefree wavefree progressive wavefree-space wavefrequency-modulated wavefringe wavefull wavefundamental wavegamma wavegeneral plane waveGoubau wavegravitational wavegravity waveground waveground-guided waveground-reflected wavegrowing waveguided waveguided optical waveGulyaev-Bleustein waveH-wavehalf waveharmonic waveheat wavehectokilometric waveshectometric waveshelic wavehelicon wavehelix waveHEM waveHertzian waveshigh-frequency wavesHmn-wavehomogeneous wavehomogeneous plane wavehorizontally polarized waveHuygens wavehybrid electromagnetic wavehydrodynamic wavehypersonic wavehypersound waveidler waveilluminating waveimage waveimpinging waveimproper waveincident waveincoming waveincreasing waveindirect waveinfralow-frequency wavesinfrared waveinfrasonic waveinhomogeneous waveinhomogeneous plane waveinput waveinterfacial waveinternal gravitational waveinternal gravity waveion-acoustic waveion cyclotron waveionization waveionospheric waveion-sound waveisoentropy wavekey-controlled wavekeying wavekilometric wavesknock waveLamb waveLangmuir wavelaser detonation wavelaser-supported detonation wavelateral wavelattice waveleaky waveleft-handed polarized waveLH wavelight wavelinear wavelinearly polarized wavelocalized wavelong waveslongitudinal wavelongitudinal static spin waveLove wavelow-frequency wavesMach wavemagnetic wavemagnetic-compression wavemagnetoacoustic wavemagnetodipolar spin wavemagnetoelastic wavemagnetohydrodynamic wavemagnetoionic wavemagnetoplasma wavemagnetosonic wavemagnetosound wavemagnetostatic wavemagnetostatic backward volume wavemagnetostatic forward volume wavemagnetostatic surface wavemagnon wavemaintained wavemarking wavemeander wavemedium-frequency wavesmedium high-frequency wavesmegametric wavemetric wavesMF wavesmicrowave acoustic wavemicrowave-frequency acoustic wavemillimeter wavesmodulated wavemodulated continuous wavemodulating wavemonochromatic wavemultiple-hop wavemyriametric wavesnear-surface wavenonhomogeneous wavenonlinear wavenonpolarized wavenonsinusoidal wavenu waveO waveobject waveoblique waveoncoming waveone-dimensional simple waveoptical waveoptical guided waveordinary waveorthogonalized plane wavesoutgoing waveoutput waveparamagnetic spin wavepartial waveperiodic waveperiodic electromagnetic wavepersistent wavephase-modulated wavephonon wavephoton wavepilot waveplane waveplane-polarized waveplasma wavepolarized wavepolychromatic wavepressure waveprimary waveprinciple waveprogressive waveproper wavepseudosurface wavepulse-modulated wavepump wavepumping wavepure waveQL waveQT wavequantized spin wavequasi-E wavequasi-H wavequasi-longitudinal wavequasi-TE wavequasi-TM wavequasi-transverse waveradial waveradiated waveradio wavesrarefaction waveRayleigh waverecombination wavereconstructed wavereconstructing wave

rectangular wave

reference wavereflected waverefracted waveregenerated waveretarded waveRH-waveRiemann waveright-handed polarized waveripple waverotary waverotated-plane waverotational waverunning wavesawtooth wavescalar wavescattered wavesecondary wavesecondary breakdown waveseismic waveself-sustained wavesensing waveshallow bulk acoustic waveshear waveshock waveshort wavesshrinking wavesignal wavesine wavesingle-sideband suppressed-carrier wavesinusoidal wavesky waveslow waveslow-fronted waveslow magnetosonic waveslow magnetosound wavesolitary wavesoliton wavesonic wavesound wavespace wavespace-charge wavespacing wavespatial wavespherical wavespin wavespin-density wave

square wave

squarish waveSSB/SC wavestable wavestanding wavestationary waveStokes waveStoneley wavestress wavesubcarrier wavesubmillimetric wavessubsurface wavesuction wavesupersonic wavesurface wavesurface acoustic wavesurface magnetic wavesurface optical wavesurface-skimming bulk wavesurface-skimming bulk acoustic waveswitch-off shock waveswitch-on shock wavetangential waveTE wavetelegraph-modulated waveTEM wavetemperature wavethermomagnetic wavetheta waveTM wavetone-modulated wavetorsional wavetransducer-generated wavetransmitted wavetransverse wavetransverse electric wavetransverse-electric hybrid wavetransverse electromagnetic wavetransverse magnetic wavetransverse-magnetic hybrid wavetransverse static spin wavetrapezoidal wavetraveling wavetriangular wavetropospheric wavetwin wavetype A0 wavetype A1 wavetype A2 wavetype A3 wavetype A3A wavetype A3B wavetype A3L wavetype A4 wavetype A4A wavetype A5 wavetype A5C wavetype A7A wavetype A9B wavetype F1 wavetype F2 wavetype F3 wavetype F4 wavetype F5 wavetype F6 wavetype F9 wavetype P0 wavetype P1D wavetype P2D wavetype P2E wavetype P3D wavetype P3E wavetype P3F wavetype P3G wavetype P9 waveultrashort wavesultrasonic wavesundamped waveundistorted waveundisturbed waveuniform plane waveunstable waveunzipping waveUS wavesvector wavevertically polarized wavevery high-frequency wavesvery low-frequency wavesvolume acoustic wavewaveguide wavewhispering-gallery waveX-wave

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См. в других словарях

  1) волна || волновой2) изменение; колебание3) сигнал•absorption wavecylindrical wavediscontinuous stress waveecho waveslongitudinal waveperiodic waveplane waveprofile waveprogressive wavequadrature wavesrectangular waveshock wavesine wavespherical wavesquare wavestanding wavestress wavesurface acoustic wavetransverse waveultrasonic waves ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • волна• волновой• колебаться ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) волна, вал; the waves poet. - море  2) волна; подъем; a wave of enthusiasm - волна энтузиазма  3) колебание  4) волнистость; she has a natural wave in her hair - у нее вьются волосы  5) завивка (тж. hair wave); to get a wave - сделать прическу  6) махание; a wave of the hand - взмах руки  7) mil. атакующая цепь; эшелон или волна десанта  8) radio сигнал; волна; long (medium, short) waves - длинные (средние, короткие) волны  9) attr. волновой; wave mechanics - волновая механика Syn: billow, breaker, comber, ripple, roller, surge  2. v.  1) развеваться (о флагах); волноваться (о ниве и т.п.); качаться (о ветках)  2) виться (о волосах)  3) завивать (волосы)  4) размахивать, махать (рукой, платком); подавать знак рукой; to wave in farewell, to wave a farewell - помахать рукой на прощание - wave aside - wave away - wave down - wave off - wave on WAVE aside  а) не принимать (во внимание и т.п.); отмахнуться (от чего-л.); Waving aside all opposition to the plan, the Minister spoke about the governments intentions to go ahead with it.  б) сделать знак отойти или замолчать; I tried to speak, but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak. WAVE away сделать (кому-л.) знак удалиться; fig. отмахнуться; не соглашаться (на что-л.), не принимать (предложения); I went over to interrupt their conversation, but he waved me away. WAVE down голосовать, ловить машину WAVE off отмахиваться also fig. WAVE on сделать знак продолжать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. волна, вал breaking waves —- прибой wave marks —- следы прибоя the wave(s) —- море, морская стихия 2. подъем, волна, взрыв a wave of indignation —- взрыв негодования a crime wave —- волна (подъем) преступности cold wave —- волна холода waves of protest —- волна протеста 3. демографический взрыв 4. наплыв (переселенцев, мигрирующих животных и т. п.) 5. махание a wave of the hand —- взмах руки, сигнал (приветствие) рукой 6. волнистость natural wave —- вьющиеся волосы 7. завивка permanent wave —- перманент, шестимесячная завивка 8. волна seismic wave —- сейсмическая волна 9. физ. волна, волновой импульс cosmic waves —- космическое электромагнитное излучение wave mechanics —- волновая (квантовая) механика 10. рад. волна, сигнал, колебание wave band (range) —- диапазон волн wave selector —- регулятор настройки 11. воен. атакующая цепь; эшелон, волна (десанта) to attack in waves —- наступать эшелонами 12. текст. извитость (волокна) Id: to lash the waves —- вести бесплодную борьбу; лбом стену прошибать Id: to make waves —- сл. создавать трудности, вызывать неприятности; волновать (общество и т. п.); производить впечатление Id: a man who does not make waves —- человек, ничего собой не представляющий 13. развеваться (о флаге); качаться (о ветке) 14. развевать (флаг и т. п.); размахивать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. См. WAVES 2. разг. морячка Женщина-служащая ВМС ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) волна; колебание 2) волнистость, неровность – anacrotic wave – dicrotic wave – excitation wave – population waves – pulse wave – recoil wave – recruitment wave – reflected wave – Traube-Hering waves – travelling wave ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. подъем, волна, взрыв - birth wave - merger wave - replacement waves - crime wave - wave of enthusiasm - wave of indignation 2. гл. 1) развевать(ся) 2) махать, размахивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) взмах 2) волна 3) волноваться 4) волновой 5) колебание 6) колебательный 7) махать 8) развеваться 9) связь сигнал angle of departure of wave — угол выхода волны approximate progressing wave — приближенная бегущая волна atmospheric radio wave — атмосферная радиоволна backward wave tube — лампа обратной волны centimetric wave frequency — диапазон сантиметровых волн circularly polarized wave — циркулярно поляризованная волна coherent wave length — длина когерентности complete progresing wave — полная бегущая волна conducting a wave — обтекаемый волной continuous wave laser — лазер непрерывного излучения, лазер непрерывного режима работы decimetric wave band — диапазон дециметровых волн direct radio wave — прямая радиоволна electrical wave filter — электрический фильтр elliptically polarized wave — эллиптически волна поляризованная flood release wave — волна попуска grazing angle of wave — угол скольжения волны ground radio wave — земная радиоволна hectometric wave band — диапазон гектометровых волн horizontally polarized wave — горизонтально поляризованная волна intensity of a shock wave — интенсивность ударной волны kilometric wave band — диапазон километровых волн light wave propagation — распространение световых волн lightquide critical wave — критическая волна в световоде linearly polarized wave — плоскополяризованная волна long-range wave propagation —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (электромагнитная) волна, ЭМВ 2) колебание 3) сигнал – acoustic wave – amplitude-modulated wave – atmospheric wave – backward wave – broadcast wave – bulk acoustic wave – carrier wave – centimeter waves – circular electromagnetic wave – clockwise wave – conducted wave – continuous waves – cosmic radio waves – counter-clockwise wave – counterphase electromagnetic wave – current wave – decamegametric waves – decametric waves – decayng wave – decimetric waves – direct wave – dominant wave – ducted wave – elastic wave – electric wave – electromagnetic wave – excited wave – exciting wave – extraneous wave – extremely low-frequency waves – free-space wave – fundamental wave – galactic radio waves – ground waves – ground-reflected wave – guided waves – H-wave – harmonic wave – heat wave – hectokilometric waves – hectometric waves – helicon wave – Hertzian waves – high-frequency waves – hybrid electromagnetic wave – incident wave – indirect wave – infralow-frequency waves – infrasonic wave – inhomogeneous wave – interwire electromagnetic wave – ionospheric wave – ion-sound wave – key-controlled wave – keying wave – kilometric waves – leaky wave – left-hand wave – long waves – longitudinal wave – low-frequency wave – Mach wave – major waves – marking wave – medium-frequency waves – megametric wave – metric waves – millimeter waves – modulated-carrier wave – multiple-reflected wave – myriametric waves – N-wave – night waves – periodic wave – plane wave – planetary waves – plate wave – primary wave – radiated wave – radio frequency carrier wave – reference wave – reflected wave – refracted wave – R-wave – rescattered wave – right-hand wave – Rossby waves – S-wave – short waves – signal wave – significant wave – sine wave – sky wave – slow wave – sonic wave – sound wave – space wave – spacing wave – spatial wave –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  волна air wave body wave compression wave explosion shock wave flood wave pressure wave pressure waves radiating outward from vibrator S wave shear wave shock wave stress wave translation wave wind wave ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) волна 2) колебание; (колебательный) сигнал 3) графическое изображение колебательного процесса - wave of water table - abrupt translatory wave - acceleration wave - acoustic wave - acoustic surface wave - advancing wave - Alfven wave - arriving wave - atmospheric wave - back wave - background wave - backscattered wave - backward wave - bed wave - blast wave - Bloch wave - body wave - bottom wave - buckle wave - bulk acoustic wave - capillary wave - carrier wave - chopped wave - circularly polarized wave - clockwise-polarized wave - coincident wave - cold wave - complex wave - compressional wave - compression wave - confined wave - conical wave - conjunctional wave - continuous wave - convergent waves - converted wave - cosine wave - counterclockwise-polarized wave - creeping wave - critical wave - cross wave - current wave - damped wave - de Broglie waves - decadent wave - degenerative wave - density wave - detonation wave - diagonal sea wave - diffracted wave - dilatational wave - direct wave - direct shock wave - disturbance wave - disturbed wave - disturbing wave - diving wave - dynamic waves - E wave - earthquake wave - elastic wave - electric wave - electromagnetic wave - elliptically polarized wave - emitted wave - evanescent wave - extraneous wave - extraordinary wave - flexural wave - forming wave - forward wave - forward-scattered wave - forward-traveling wave - free-progressive wave - free-space wave - frontal wave - full wave - fundamental wave - gravity wave - ground wave - ground-reflected wave - growing wave - guided wave - H-wave - harmonic wave - head wave - heat wave - hectometric waves - Hertzian waves - Hertz waves - homogeneous wave - horizontally polarized wave - hybrid electromagnetic wave - hydraulic-jump wave - hydrodynamic wave - illuminating wave - image wave - impinging wave - incoming wave - indirect wave - inhomogeneous wave - interacting waves - interface wave - interfacial waves - ionospheric wave - kilometric waves - knock wave -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. (often foll. by to) move a hand etc. to and fro in greeting or as a signal (waved to me across the street). b tr. move (a hand etc.) in this way. 2 a intr. show a sinuous or sweeping motion as of a flag, tree, or a cornfield in the wind; flutter, undulate. b tr. impart a waving motion to. 3 tr. brandish (a sword etc.) as an encouragement to followers etc. 4 tr. tell or direct (a person) by waving (waved them away; waved them to follow). 5 tr. express (a greeting etc.) by waving (waved goodbye to them). 6 tr. give an undulating form to (hair, drawn lines, etc.); make wavy. 7 intr. (of hair etc.) have such a form; be wavy. --n. 1 a ridge of water between two depressions. 2 a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore. 3 a thing compared to this, e.g. a body of persons in one of successive advancing groups. 4 a gesture of waving. 5 a the process of waving the hair. b an undulating form produced in the hair by waving. 6 a a temporary occurrence or increase of a condition, emotion, or influence (a wave of enthusiasm). b a specified period of widespread weather (heat wave). 7 Physics a the disturbance of the particles of a fluid medium to form ridges and troughs for the propagation or direction of motion, heat, light, sound, etc., without the advance of the particles. b a single curve in the course of this motion (see also standing wave, travelling wave (see TRAVEL)). 8 Electr. a similar variation of an electromagnetic field in the propagation of radiation through a medium or vacuum. 9 (in pl.; prec. by the) poet. the sea; water. Phrases and idioms make waves colloq. cause trouble. wave aside dismiss as intrusive or irrelevant. wave down wave to (a vehicle or its driver) as a signal to stop. wave equation a differential equation expressing the properties of motion in waves. wave-form Physics a curve showing the shape of a wave at a given time. wave-front Physics a surface containing points affected in the same way by a wave at a given time. wave function a function satisfying a wave...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service  Date: 1942 a woman serving in the navy WAVE  I. verb  (~d; waving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wafian to ~ with the hands; akin to Old English w?fan to clothe and perhaps to Old English wefan to weave  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to motion with the hands or with something held in them in signal or salute  2. to float, play, or shake in an air current ; move loosely to and fro ; flutter flags waving in the breeze  3. of water to move in ~s ; heave  4. to become moved or brandished to and fro signs ~d in the crowd  5. to move before the wind with a ~like motion field of waving grain  6. to follow a curving line or take a wavy form ; undulate  transitive verb  1. to swing (something) back and forth or up and down  2. to impart a curving or undulating shape to ~d her hair  3.  a. to motion to (someone) to go in an indicated direction or to stop ; flag, signal checked his name and ~d him on ~d down a passing car  b. to gesture with (the hand or an object) in greeting or farewell or in homage  c. to dismiss or put out of mind ; disregard — usually used with aside or off  d. to convey by waving ~d farewell  4. brandish, flourish ~d a pistol menacingly  Synonyms: see swing  II. noun  Date: 1526  1.  a. a moving ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid (as of the sea)  b. open water  2.  a. a shape or outline having successive curves  b. a waviness of the hair  c. an undulating line or streak or a pattern formed by such lines  3. something that swells and dies away: as  a. a surge of sensation or emotion a ~ of anger swept over her  b. a movement sweeping large numbers in a common direction ~s of protest  c. a peak or climax of activity a ~ of buying  4. a sweep of hand or arm or of some object held in the hand used as a signal or greeting  5. a rolling or undulatory movement or one of a series of such movements passing along a surface or through the air  6. a movement...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (waves, waving, waved) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you wave or wave your hand, you move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone. He waved at the waiter, who rushed to the table... He grinned, waved, and said, ‘Hi!’... Elaine turned and waved her hand lazily and left. VERB: V to/at n, V, V n, also V n prep • Wave is also a noun. Steve stopped him with a wave of the hand... Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If you wave someone away or wave them on, you make a movement with your hand to indicate that they should move in a particular direction. Leshka waved him away with a show of irritation... VERB: V n adv/prep 3. If you wave something, you hold it up and move it rapidly from side to side. Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding... She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about. VERB: V n, V n adv/prep • -waving Hundreds of banner-waving demonstrators took to the streets. ...a flag-waving crowd. COMB in ADJ • -waving There will be marching bands and plenty of flag-waving. COMB in N-UNCOUNT 4. If something waves, it moves gently from side to side or up and down. ...grass and flowers waving in the wind. = sway VERB: V 5. A wave is a raised mass of water on the surface of water, especially the sea, which is caused by the wind or by tides making the surface of the water rise and fall. ...the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. N-COUNT 6. If someone’s hair has waves, it curves slightly instead of being straight. N-COUNT 7. A wave is a sudden increase in heat or energy that spreads out from an earthquake or explosion. The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran... N-COUNT: with supp 8. Waves are the form in which things such as sound, light, and radio signals travel. Sound waves, light waves, and radio waves have a certain frequency, or number of...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ON THE SEA« a line of raised water that moves across the surface of the sea  (Dee watched the waves breaking on the rocks.) 2 »OF YOUR HAND« C usually singular a movement of your hand or arm from side to side 3 »OF LIGHT/SOUND« the form in which some types of energy such as light and sound move  (radio waves)  (- see also long wave, medium wave, short wave) 4 »SUDDEN INCREASE« a) a sudden increase in a particular type of behaviour or activity, especially an unpleasant one + of  (a new wave of terrorist bombings | crime wave (=a sudden increase in crime)) b) a sudden increase in the number of people or things arriving at the same time + of  (a new wave of immigrants) c) a group of soldiers, aircraft etc that attack together + of  (The next wave of troops went over the ridge.) d) a sudden strong feeling that spreads from one person to another + of  (A wave of panic swept through the crowd.) 5 in waves if something happens in waves, a short period of activity is followed by a pause  (The pain swept over him in waves.) 6 »OF HAIR« a part of your hair that has an even curved shape 7 make waves informal to cause problems  (With so many jobs being cut, Parker didn't want to make waves.) 8 the waves literary the ocean ~2 v 1 »HAND« to move your hand or arm from side to side in order to greet someone or attract their attention  (Toyah waved her hand regally. | wave to/at sb)  (Tommy waved to us as he came across the field. | wave sth at sb)  (Lee waved his fist at me angrily. | wave sth around/about BrE)  (Stop waving your arms about | wave sb goodbye/wave goodbye to sb (=to say goodbye to someone by waving to them))  (Wave bye-bye to Granny.) 2 »SIGNAL« T always + adv/prep to show someone where to go by waving your hand in that direction  (wave sb through/on/away)  (A guard waved me away from the fence.) 3 »MAKE STH MOVE« to hold something and move it from side to side  (The magician waved his wand and the door opened. | wave sth under/about/at etc)  (Trudie waved a $50 bill under his nose.) 4...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. World Association of Veterinary Educators physiol. abbr. Wellness Activities For Virtually Everyone mil. abbr. Walking Attack Vehicle Enhanced physics abbr. Wavelength Absorption For Visual Enhancement ocean sc. abbr. Watershed Action For Virginia's Environment ocean sc. abbr. Water Alliance For Voluntary Efficiency astronom. abbr. Wide Area Vertical Expansion telec. abbr. Wireless Audio Visual Email media abbr. Words Are Very Empowering media abbr. Win A Vacation Easy educ. abbr. Workshop For Adult Vocational Enrichment educ. abbr. Wonderful Adolescent Ventilator Experience educ. abbr. Wondrously Advantageous Virtual Education educ. abbr. Work Assessment Vocational Education educ. abbr. Wide Area Visualization Experimental religion abbr. Worship Action Vertical Experience law abbr. Working Against Violence Everywhere gen. bus. abbr. Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employees gen. bus. abbr. Waste Annihilated Value Enhanced NASDAQ abbr. Nuwave Technologies, Inc. pos. abbr. Weyerhaeuser Active Volunteer Employee ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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